10 photos that shocked the world

On this page you will see 10 of the most famous photos, starting with the first photo that has survived to this day.
1. The first surviving photo to date has been created by the same Joseph Niepce in 1826 and is called "View from the Window". It depicts the view from the window of the workshop of the inventor. You can see the roof, the house in the background. The details are hampered by poor quality. But it was an amazing result for one of the first photographs, because nothing like the world has ever seen.
 2. The next picture called "Boulevard du Temple" was made in 1838 and is recognized as the first photograph of a person. Made him Louis Daguerre in the bohemian and bustling district of Paris. But the street seems deserted, and instead of a crowd of people in the middle of it there is only one person cleaning the boots. To do this, he had to stand still for about seven minutes, and all the moving people did not appear in the picture.
3. The discovery of X-rays in 1895 was a real sensation. The first person to whom Roentgen demonstrated his discovery was his wife Berta. It was the picture of her brush with the wedding ring on her finger that went around the world. The discovery of the scientist greatly influenced the development of science. 
 4. The next photo became a kind of symbol of surrealism. It was created in 1948 by photographer Philip Khalsman and named "Dali Atomicus". Work on it took 6 hours, it took 28 jumps Salvador Dali and a lot of assistants, throwing angry cats and buckets of water. The photo that was published changed the vision of this art, previously depicting static things.
 5.Naked runner. It happened in 1975 during the finals of the British Rugby Championship. It is rumored that the queen herself fainted from such a spectacle.
6. December 7, 1972 appeared the first color photo of the Earth from space. It was made by the crew of Apollo-17. Before that, only black and white and low-quality photos of the planet and the moon appeared. 
7. Baby in the womb. This unique image was taken during an operation on the spine of the fetus at 21 weeks from conception. As you can see, the kid grabbed the finger of the surgeon with a tiny hand. So he literally grabbed for life.

8. Now almost every mother can see her child during pregnancy on the ultrasound machine. But in 1965 this photo of a human embryo made a real sensation. So the public first saw what the baby looks like before it comes to light. 
9. This fascinating sight of a young Afghan woman was captured by Steve McCurry in a refugee camp on the Afghan-Pakistani border. After this photo was on the cover of the famous magazine National Geographics, it turned into one of the most replicated frames in the world.
10. A rodent with a human ear on his back. In 1997, scientists in the UK managed to grow a human ear on the back of a laboratory rat. This study proved for the first time that human cloning is not a fantasy, but a very real prospect.

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